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The production profile includes a wide range of products:

  • - interior: tables, chairs, shelves, beds, candle holders and flowers, railings, hotel furniture etc.
  • - for shops: display racks, counters, burglar bars, steel doors, shelves for storage (for heavy loads) etc.
  • - exterior: metal furniture for garden and pools, planters, lanterns, fences, gates, etc.
  • - industry: metal constructions of any type and size

The products offered by our company combine the metal hardness with glass softness, marble eternity and wood warmness, bringing confort and elegance into your home. Our company executes series products and unique products (by customer design).

The products offered are painted in electrostatic field, giving the customer the option to chose from our color palette (RAL codes), and a variety of other special paints. Currently the company has two electrostatic painting instalations: one automatic with high capacity for parts with dimensions up to 1500X400X1200 mm and an a manual instalation for parts with dimensions up to 6800X1000X2000 mm.

Staff with a high level of training and modern equipment, have resulted in obtaining higher quality, the company being ISO 9001 certified.

Thank you for your attention and hope for a long and fruitful collaboration.

Photo gallery - Some of our work

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