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About Us

Van Emmerik Ind headquarters Founded in 1993, our company Van Emmerik Ind. SRL Deva, has tradition in interior and exterior decorations and also industrial metal constructions. Between 1993 and 1996 we produced and exported ornamental fences between 80 tons and 120 tons per month. After 1996 we started to produce decorative wrought iron objects for the home and garden reaching over 400 types of products. Starting 1998 we've build a new production hall and an electrostatic painting line purchasing a series of modern equipment, opening our way in industrial production of metal.

The products offered by our company combine the metal hardness with glass softness, marble eternity and wood warmness, bringing confort and elegance into your home.

Our company executes series products and unique products (by customer design). The products offered are painted in electrostatic field, giving the customer the option to chose from our color palette (RAL codes), and a variety of other special paints. Currently the company has two electrostatic painting instalations: one automatic with high capacity for parts with dimensions up to 1500X400X1200 mm and an a manual instalation for parts with dimensions up to 6800X1000X2000 mm.

Staff with a high level of training and modern equipment, have resulted in obtaining higher quality, the company being ISO 9001 certified in 2003. Compliance with the requirements of ISO 9001, regarding the implementation of an effective quality management system means:

  • understanding the needs and expectations of customers in terms of quality and satisfaction from suppliers
  • systematic planning and organizing their coordination processes whose purpose is satisfaction, needs and expectations of customers.
  • analyzing successes as a result of systematic implementation and application processes based on relevant criteria that define their organization effectiveness
  • decisions based on the facts given, identifying and implementing actions aimed at continuous improvement processes to optimize performance systematic, and therefore the efficiency of the approaches

Thank you for your attention and hope for a long and fruitful collaboration.

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